Monday, November 23, 2009

Blessed are the merciful

Mercy is a quality that sets the Christ Follower apart from legalism and religiosity. It is a way of living and loving that honors God and shows respect for our humanity.

Mercy means that I will be patient with those who seem differnt from me. Mercy means that I will forgive the fallen. Mercy means I will help the hurting. Mercy means I will be kind to my enemies.

Why do we do this? What is the point. Well you will need to check out the worship services this weekend on Sunday or a week from Thursday. Also download the podcast and share it with someone. There are some good reasons to show mercy. God has shown us mercy, I know that I will need mercy in the future again. I will be happier (happy are the merciful, Jesus said). Others will get to know a God of mercy instead of some of the out of touch images of God portrayed by the anti-faith movement. And finally the best reason is that it is the right thing to do. Keep joining us as we study through the Beatitudes of Jesus.

Finally, happy thanksgiving. It's my favorite holiday and I will be enjoying it with family and friends. I hope you will too. Share it with someone who is hungry, lonely, or thirsty. Help us with our food bank or the social ministy.

Keep Thankfu.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I Can't Get No...

The Rolling Stones sang that they couldn't get it but in the Be Attitudes Jesus says that it is available to you - satisfaction. In fact, Jesus says when you are hungry and thirsty for the right relationship with God that is exactly what God will give to you.

Americans often look in the wrong places for satisfaction. We won't find in the pursuit of personal pleasures, we wont find it in our performance, and we definitely wont find it in more possessions. So then how will we find deep down life long satisfaction and happiness?

First, we have to recognize our real hunger. It's a hunger for God and our relationship with Him. Second, we need to stop the spiritual junk food binge and artificial amusements of western culture. We need to spend more time helping people who really are hungry, thirsty, and homeless - that is where Jesus wants us to begin to find depth of meaning. Third, we've got to look to Christ for meaning and purpose. We will never find it solely in ourselves and our own ambitions.

We are ending a year of focus on the Christmas message - the "good news of great joy which is for ALL people." Yet, that message is timeless. I believe Jesus is raising up disciples through this year long experience. Not because of what I, or any other person is doing. It is because of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is guiding people like you to take up the cause and share the good news. It doesn't matter what decisions the ELCA made, it doesn't matter what shape the economy is in, and it doesn't matter whether we have new windows and updated heating system. What does matter is people and the Word. This is what makes disciples. The Spirit is saving lives to live more fully today and to live for eternity.

When you make your Christmas list ask - what does God want me to have on that list? Am I going to buy trinkets and baubles that will break and be shelved or am I going to give things that are lasting and meaningful. Give for the right reasons. Not so you will get back but because God wants you to learn generosity. Include your church on the gift list. Include a gift to social ministry or world hunger. Give to someone who cannot give back or who doesn't know who gave the gift and just say, "It's a blessing from God." Live Christmas 365.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy are those who mourn...

Last week we talked about the attitudes of happiness that Jesus teaches in the Sermon on the Mount (or the Beatitudes). Eight positive statements about choosing God's way to live life. In this second attitude adjustment Jesus reminds us first of all that life is difficult and the to mourn is a part of life. He doesn't try to explain suffering but he tells us how to deal with it.

First, know that God is with us. (Psalm 34:18). God is aware, God cares, and God will help (Job 13:27, Nahum 1:7, Hebrews 4:16).

Second, let go of hurt (Isaiah 43:18). So often we repress hurt, rehearse it, and resent it. Jesus invites us to release it (Psalm 10:14).

Third, Jesus invites us to rely on God's resources. What happens many times is that humans turn to alternative hurt relievers: drinking, drugs, entertainment, thrills, and many other escapes. What God tells us is to try His way: a. Take time during your day to listen for His voice; b. Spend time in the Word and let it comfort you; c. be with God's people - healing nutritious helpful people; and d. receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13).

What can you do today to help? Three things will help deal with grief, sorrow, and pain.
1. Invite the Spirit of the Living Christ to dwell in your life now.
2. Connect with/or connect more deeply with the church family.
3. Give yourself away in service to others - stuff, things, material goods will ultimately mean nothing but people matter to God and will ultimately bless you and heal your hurt.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Be Attitudes

You've often heard that we are human beings and not human doings. The reality of life is that we all too often let external things affect our happiness. Over the next several weeks I will be exploring the Be Attitudes - you know, Matthew Chapter five, Sermon on the Mount? Blessed are...Jesus says over and over again in his most famous sermon. He wants us to have new perspective on happiness. That is what blessed means - happy.

Jesus wants us to realize that it is not circumstances, or the accumulation of things, or greater status that will make us happy. In the Beatitudes he gives us eight positive things to change our focus as Christ Followers. Poor in Spirit (the first one) is not about self loathing, or putting yourself down, or pretending you are just a poor slob. Think of the first Beatitude this way, "Happy are those who know they don't have it all together and know they need God, they are happy and humble."

Humility and happiness are soul mates. Humility brings three gifts from God that we will look at in this week's message: 1. humility reduces stress; 2. humility improves our relationships; 3. humility releases God's power in our life. Read over Matthew 5; James 4:6; John 15:15; and John 13:17. Our attitude is either the lock on or the key to our happiness.

Focus with me over the next few weeks on the Beatitudes and what they offer us for living happier lives. Listen to the podcast and check my blog weekly for updates and previews.

Be Well - Serve Faithfully

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Kingdom, Power, Glory, Forever, Amen

In this final message on the Lord's Prayer we once again look at the prayer of fulfillment - the prayer that God will break into this life, this world, and bring eternity into the reality of the present. We pray for the Kingdom to come. A Kingdom not marked by one who rules over us with heavy handed demands but as one who calls us to obedience by teaching us what servanthood really means. Jesus says to us, "Seek first the Kingdom of God..." How do we do that?

One way of looking at this is by putting some first things first in our life: [F.I.R.S.T.] F = financially making God's Kingdom first as we share our resources. I = interests. As we place first what God has shown us through Jesus interests Him the most: the poor, the homeless, the widow, the orphan, the marginalized, the sick, and things like justice and peace. R = relationships. We need to realize that people are important to God and living in community with other believers is like building up a family for God. It is a place of welcome to others who are seeking. S = schedule. We need to set aside not the last of our day but valuable time during our day for time with God and for serving our neighbor as God directs us. Finally, T = troubles. When troubles and challenges come our way take them to God first. We tend to try and do it ourselves - go it alone - be the lone ranger - but God says this is not putting me first.

Another way of praying for fulfillment is to live by God's power through prayer, risks of obedience, and by never giving up on faith - remembering that humanly speaking things may seem impossible but for God nothing is impossible.

Finally, we are called to live for God's glory. We can show love towards everyone, use our gifts and talents to serve everyone, and share the good news with everyone. Joining together as a church family is how we do this. We can do so much more together than we can do alone. See you Sunday as we Confirm several young people at BLC and renew our own Baptismal Covenant.

Blessings - Pastor D.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Lord's Prayer: For thine is the Kingdom

Oh the sheer joy of running down the lane on a warm summer day... contentment - fun - laughter - exuberance - the Kingdom of God is like this I believe. The Kingdom is God's, The Power is God's, The Glory is God's. Your history is His-Story played out in your life, for in Him we live and move and have our being. God abides in you.

Think about this: you were not JUST made by God, you were made FOR God. You were made to begin an eternal journey in this life and continue it with God beyond the grave. When we know this relationship we run down the path of life from birth to death knowing that it does not stop but is fulfilled, completed, and extended with a perfection that we can never fully know in this life. God has a plan for you. Read Luke 10, Matthew 10, and Mark 9 sometime. Jesus sent his disciples out with a plan. A plan that we have been trying to live out with Christmas 365 - that is to share Good News of Great Joy which is for all people.

The Kingdom of God is not far off in some distant future time. It is now and it is in us. Some people will only see the Kingdom when they experience your love, your energy, your good work, your love, your generosity, your forgiveness, your help - all enabled by the Holy Spirit fulfilling God's plan. Jesus once said, (John 10:10) "I have come that you might have life [he doesn't say religion] and have it more abundantly."

Bono of the group U2 wrote in a song once, "You should live in a way that proves you belong to the God who calls you into His Kingdom and glory." There is so much that God wants to accomplish through you. What are some steps to really live like we belong?

1. Remember we be belong to a new Kingdom now
2. Live by the power that the Spirit gives us
3. Live so your life glorifies your creator
4. Live in Community as God intended for us from the beginning

We will be exploring this for the next couple of weeks as we finish up our study of the Lord's Prayer. You can download previous podcasts of this series by clicking on the podcast button at our website:

Blessings on the Journey,

Pastor D

Sunday, October 4, 2009


We've been going through the Lord's Prayer which is prayers within a prayer. "lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil." Matthew 6:13 This is not to say that God leads us into situations of temptation. Another translation of this puts it a different way, "save us from the time of trial..." What we are talking about is "deliverance". When Jesus went to the Mount of Olives the night he was arrested he asked the disciples to "watch and pray." He knew it would be tempting for them to desert Jesus in his hour of need.

As we think about asking for deliverance from temptations - those things that could break our relationship with God or each other we must first identify what makes us vulnerable. Asking simple questions like: 1) When am I most tempted? 2) Where am I most tempted? 3) Who is with me when I am most tempted? 4) What is the benefit do I think I am receiving from the temptation? 5) How does the temptation make me feel?

Next, we need to ask God to help us avoid the situations that lead to temptation. Recognize your human vulnerability. We are not people of steel. Read over Proverbs 4:26-27.

Third we need to ask the Spirit to guard our heart. We need to remember that temptation begins inside of us. The trigger may be outside of us but the natural inclination of temptation resides in us.

Consider some of the things that can add to our weakness and vulnerability: physical exhaustion, discouragement and pessimism, spiritually disconnected, alone or distant from others, insecure, deep hurt, anger, bitterness, and failure to name a few.

Fourth, we need to pray for deliverance. God's help can not be minimized. Psalm 50:15 reminds us to "Call upon me in your day of trouble. I will deliver you and you will honor me." It's like sending out a Mayday to God. God responds.

Fifth, ask God to help you redirect your attention. Sometimes our temptations require someone to help us stay on track. A friend, a prayer partner, a pastor, a counselor, or an adviser or coach. When we work on our relationship with Christ we are less vulnerable. We have a mentor a friend and a savior who knows every temptation without sinning. He cheers us on toward victory over the temptations. He is the one who formed a small group to help deal with these issues (we call them the disciples.) There was even a small group within the small group. Peter, James, and John formed a kind of close partnership and accountability group.

When we fall or when we fail and we succumb to temptation God wants us to admit it right away and begin to move on but resist the sin and temptation in the future. And get help if it is a serious addiction.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Cleaning Up Our Act: Forgive Us Our Debts

This mikveh in the above picture (baptism of purification) was located to the south of the Temple in Jerusalem close to the Huldah gate. It dates to the time of the Temple during the life-time of Jesus and the Apostles. It was covered up by dirt for centuries until it was discovered and excavated.

"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." Is the focus for next week. In Hebrews 12 it says, "Let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles us. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." What are these hindrances? Our sins, our debts, our transgressions are the hindrances for our relationship and connection with God and each other. Forgive us as we forgive others is what Jesus is commanding us - to forgive as we have been forgiven. How do we prepare for this step of forgiveness?

1. Search. We can begin by searching ourselves carefully (Psalm 139:23-24). Take the time to regularly search your life and behavior.
2. Surrender. We give up hiding our sin and repent of it before God.
This was the meaning of baptism. A dying to sin - or drowning of the sin in pools like the one in the picture.
3. Seek to make amends. Whenever possible we need to make amends with those we have hurt or harmed. If we do not our repentance is hollow. God knows we need to try to take the step of healing in our lives.
4. Share in the forgiveness that God offers in Christ.
5. Start over again. We need to repeat these steps often.

For some further reading look up these passages: Luke 19:8-9; Hebrews 4:16; Romans5:1; James 5:16; Hebrews 10:22-25. If you were baptized as a youth it is always good to renew that covenant and commitment. If you have not now is a good time to take that step of commitment. We are all in need to a daily renewal of the promise of baptism by the cleansing power of Christ's sacrifice for us. Blessings on the journey.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

What is "Daily Bread?"

Daily bread, most of us don't think much about it in the United States. Yet, pockets of extreme poverty exist in our country and weekly we have a stream of people who come by BLC for the necessities of life. Their stories can break your heart. God has given us ability to address this in the Lord's Prayer.

Jesus tells us to pray,"Give us this day our daily bread." As he tells us this he is saying so much more. First, bread represents the necessities of life and not frivolous luxuries. Second, it represents the Word of God - Jesus said, "We do not live by bread alone. but every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God." The third thing it represents is our fellowship as the body - called the church. Fourth, it represents saving grace show to us by God in His Son. Each phrase of the Lord's Prayer is packed with meaning and depth. Christianity is not about ritual and rules - it is about real people seeking a relationship with the eternal and learning to care for our neighbors as we do ourselves. Asking for daily bread means so much when we seek not only our bread (with all its meaning) but seeking bread for those around us who have great need.

As we consider the unemployed, the uninsured, the homebound, and the homeless we have so much that we can share. This week asks the question, "What is our daily bread?"

Blessings on the journey,

Pastor Dennis

PS - For those of you in deepening your discipleship let me remind you about the Spiritual Coaching/Direction I am offering this fall. Email me or call me if you are interested. also check out

Monday, September 14, 2009

Surrender is not for Whimps

This week we are going to journey into Part 2 of our study of the Lord's Prayer: "Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." (Jesus, Matthew 6) Surrender is a word associated with weakness for the most part. Yet, in relationship with God surrender can release power, energy, focus, ability, and grace. We become a conduit for God to accomplish far more than we might ever dream. When we open our lives and allow God to plant a dream in our heart we unleash a supernatural power to accomplish things we never thought possible. In order to understand the possibilities of this power we need to open ourselves up to the Lord.

What does surrender mean for us? It means releasing control. It is a shift of our attention to what I want, my own selfish ambition, and overemphasis on my will to God's control of my life, time, and resources. It is a handing over to a supernatural ability that God wants to unleash.

Second, it is about leaning to be content. Philippians 4:11-13 says, I have learned to be satisfied with the things I have and with everything that happens. I know how to live when I am poor, and I know how to live when I have plenty. I have learned the secret of being happy at any time in everything that happens...I can do all things through Christ, because he gives me strength... Happiness and success is so tied to personal contentment and trusting that each moment of your day is under the care of "Our Father" - a loving caring, competent, parent who knows us and loves us.

Third, surrender means to set aside my own selfish plans in exchange for God's more successful design. We get caught up with our own little world and we forget that God has a bigger design. God reveals that in prayer we align ourselves to listen to that plan. Prayer is not like a vending machine where we drop a coin and get what we want - it is more like getting aligned with God's plan.

Fourth, surrender involves trusting our future to God. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge God, and God will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6 So most of the time we want to know, predict, be told what our future is going to turn out to be like. Yet, have that does not allow us to fully live in the present. When we trust God with our future we can really live today. We will be studying this more in this weeks podcast at

Live Fully Today,

Pastor Dennis

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"You can't build a reputation on what you're going to do." Henry Ford

It is time to take action. Discipleship has often been compared to taking a walk with the Lord. How are those walking skills working these days? Do you feel spiritually fit? This fall I am launching a discipleship program for six to ten individuals who want to become more spiritually fit. It will be convenient, in depth, and challenging. It will also be something they can do themselves and with others. It is as old as having a spiritual director. Thomas Merton once wrote: Spiritual direction is, in reality, nothing more than a way of leading us to see and obey the real Director — the Holy Spirit hidden in the depths of our soul. (Thomas Merton, Trappist monk, USA) It is as new as Spiritual Coaching a new form of disciple making.

You can be one of the first to sign up for an eight to twelve week session where you will do independent reading, phone direction and encouragement, and participate in "call-in" classes with others who are taking this walk. Jesus said, Follow me and I will teach you to fish for people. We will learn the importance of community and of personal satisfaction - they are not mutually exclusive. Take advantage of this new program and you will also receive a free gift for starting out. I will share with you how we will approach this process of energizing growth and spiritual development. You will discover new insights and be a part of a Biblically grounded God directed experience. Sign up begins today! Contact me by calling BLC 219-362-3312 or visiting the web site:

I will share more insights on this as the weeks progress. Hope your spiritual walks go well this week.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Troubling Decisions?

Many people have told me that they are bothered by the decision of the ELCA National Assembly in August to allow ordination of pastors who are in an active same gender relationships or that the blessing of a same gender union would be allowed. I wish it had not been a national decision that creates a crisis. I wish there would have been a more grass roots effort from which regions or congregations could move the discussion of Scripture and what it says about culture and relationships forward, but here we are. The decision has been made. How will Bethany respond?

First, we will appoint an independent task force to pray, reflect, study, and recommend what the implications of this decision allows us to consider. What are the options? Next, we must not rush to judgment. Each congregation has the right to implement or not implement the ELCA decision. The conundrum for many people is the association with the ELCA when they disagree strongly with the decision. I did not like the Viet Nam War but I did not stop paying taxes and I did not run off to Canada. It was still my country. In fact my country makes lots of decisions that I disagree with but I love it and want to do the best to preserve it. How can we make dissenting voices heard without exiting the church we love?

Take a look at this news story

Let's study and reflect prayerfully on what the Gospel teaches us about responding to very difficult situations. Pray for me too as a pastor and leader. I want to do my best in leading Bethany through this time.

Next, I will share an exciting opportunity about Spiritual Direction and Spiritual Coaching that you can participate in yourself. This is a self paced discipleship program that I hope will be a new beginning for several people this fall.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Backpacks for Kids

The children in the photo for this blog remind us that every child should experience the joy of having a backpack filled with supplies for their first day of school.

The Bethany family is helping the LP Jaycees in making that experience a reality for many deserving children in LP elementary schools. Over 70 backpacks and the supplies needed to fill them have been donated... by the Bethany family alone! The willingness to give and show and share God's love through that giving by our church family is INCREDIBLE! With God all things are possible! Many needy children and families will learn that and experience God's love in a very practical way at the start of this school year thanks to these donations.

Packing of the Backpacks:

Thursday, August 20 at 6 pm at Bethany

Monday, July 6, 2009

We are still celebrating freedom and independence but it is not independence from God. The Founders never intended that - in fact it is in our DEPENDENCE on God that we become truly independent, free, and forgiven. Part of our effort this year at Bethany has been to celebrate what God has done for us 365 days a year. We want to give back to the community we live in. One way has been to build a home for a needy Veteran or Veterans family. We had a Harley Road King Raffle that brought in the bulk of the funds needed to accomplish this goal. Here are the winners from the Raffle: Sharon Welty of LaPorte (The Harley); John Cowger of Chesterton ($500); Jeff McShane of LaPorte ($500); Bill Frame of Mishawaka ($100); Dave Tipton of Grant Park, IL ($100); Norma Sabie of LaPorte ($100) and Vic Roden of Walkerton ($100). Thanks to all who volunteered time, effort, salesmanship, and so much more on this part of the effort. You can volunteer to donate toward the cause too. We still need to raise $15,000. We also need people to help build the home next summer. We are also accepting applications for needy veterans or veteran's families up until September. So download an applicaton now. We will announce the recipient on Veteran's Day in November.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Harleys - Vets - Vision

You wouldn't think a motorcycle could do this much good. But combine generous people, Habitat for Humanity, Veterans who have served our country, fun, and Jesus and what do you have? Welcome Home Soldier. The days are running out for an ambitious program to build a home for a deserving vet or vet's family. Our goal was to sell 2500 tickets and we could still do that with people responding with excitement and generosity before the fourth of July.
Did I ever think I would be pushing Harley Raffle Tickets on my 30th Ordination Anniversary? No, but I can not think of a more noble cause. My freedom has been paid for - by my Lord on Calvary and by men and women who have put their lives and futures on the line for me to worship and serve my creator. This is only a small token of gratitude. Jesus wants us to find creative ways to reach the lost and spiritually displaced and normally folks don't think of the church crowd as the Harley crowd - but maybe now they will. I have met some great people and had the chance to share what the Lord is doing through Bethany and Habitat on numerous occasions. What a great adventure this has been. Only a few days left but a lifetime of memories. There is still time to help - join us in serving.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Life is a Journey

It is exciting to hear stories that people are telling me of how they are sharing their faith. The wristbands, the Harley Raffle tickets, the Christmas 365 theme are just vehicles to share the story. This year began as a journey of the heart. I wanted to have others join me in really trying to live out the words of the angels at Christmas. Words spoken to the shepherds. They were ordinary men who received an extraordinary message. "We have good news of great joy which shall be for all people." That was the message. Live out the message of Christmas all year was my dream to inspire others to join me on the journey. Now Easter is just past and people are still wishing me "Merry Christmas." Thank you!

The famous picture here of the Road to Emmaus and the walk where Jesus appeared to some disciples who were depressed from the loss of their master is a good reminder to all of us on the journey. After Jesus left them they said to one another, "Didn't our hearts burn when he opened the words of scripture to us?" People feel the warmth of love, generosity, acts of kindess, and caring when you share - when you love - when you live the good news. Believe me, there are plenty of people who will just go to work, or go to school, or go to the gym, or go to some civic group, and live their life trying to be good or do good. That is not what Jesus was teaching. Jesus was teaching a revolutionary way of living. He was teaching his followers to learn to love as God loves. To be the message - to be the good news - to be Him in the way we approached people.

I spoke with a traffic cop the other day in Chicago and said, "Thank you for doing what you are doing. Some of us are really appreciative of the risks you take and the courage you demonstrate to keep us safe." She said to me, "You know, no one ever says that to us. Thank you for saying something." How easy was that?

When Jesus begins to disciple us, we become the change the world needs. Let Jesus meet you on your Emmaus road and talk with you about His love and power to change human life for the better. He wants you to be a part of it.

Also tell your friends to call us at church, stop by B&J Cafe, ReMax, see Norma Sabie at WLOI office, or stop at I Steet Tavern to pick up tickets for the Welcome Home Soldier Raffle and Habitat project. Live the good news, my friends. Be the Good News. Happy Easter Season and, yes, Merry Christmas too.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kindness from Patience

Love is patient and kind...that is not always easy to live is it? How do we live that out with the toxic person whom we have tried and tried to deal with and yet have failed to find a way of relating to? Sometimes it's easier to be kind to a stranger than people in our own family. We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials for we know that they are good for us - Romans 5

What? How can that be? Paul continued, they help us learn to be patient. And patience develops strength of character in us and helps us trust God more each time we use it until finally our hope and faith are strong and steady.

I am not a patient person by nature. I can be patient in a crisis but in dealing with people I find myself struggling when I think, "Why don't they get this?" Now is a word that is so prevalent in our vocabulary. This week we are talking about acting with patience and kindness. Sometimes there are divine interruptions in life which will slow us down. Carpei Deim (Seize the Day) is a good phrase to remember. Sometimes the time to act is now. Don't over think - act. Be patient with your appointments, your to do lists, and your agenda. Maybe God has someone in mind for you to help - to be kind toward - to lovingly assist.

Kindness always requires something else besides patience. It means risk and it requires a cost. Who in your world needs you to take that risk of exhibiting kindness and love? Will there be a cost associtated with it? I spoke to a friend who shared a story about a man he knew who was bitter about his wife leaving him. He was filled with anger and rage. His anniversary was coming up and he seethed with anger toward how this woman ruined his life and livelyhood. His friend suggested that on the anniversary he consider working at a local soup kitchen - to convert his anger into kindness and love. He did it.

After going to the soup kitchen and serving the needy his whole attitude changed. He was filled with mercy and said he would do it every year on that day. What can being patient with ourselves and others and acting out of kindness do in some of the most difficult and bitter situations of life. God does work miracles of love 365 days a year.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Light in Darkness

I led the funeral for a woman today that few attended and where no one quite knew what to say. It was sad to see so few. Even greater sadness that so few could express anything good to say. She left her wealth to charities and those will benefit but the legacy she left was that of a cantankerous woman who few really knew. Relationships - people become our legacy. People that God loves and we can love. My message to the people there was to live with love. Love through the barriers of crusty hard souls and soft pliable souls open to love. Love those around you, love those you do not even know, love the beautiful and the less than lovely, love those you are close to and those you have a hard time relating to - just love.

Your light brightens a dark world. Today was beautiful and sunny and as the wind wiped through the small group that stood around the casket near the mausoleum next to Pine Lake I shed a tear for the loss of love when a person has only a marble tomb to speak for them. Let your love do the talking. Wendell Berry wrote, "There is a day when the road neither comes nor goes, and the way is not a way but a place." This place speaks out for love as though there is no tomorrow. Let that light break through and shine. Be the love - don't just do loving things.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ashes and Dust

Lent has its morbid side no doubt. Ashes to ashes we hear at gravesides but today as I presided at a funeral of the beloved husband of a friend there was a sense of hope beyond the ashes. She is a lover of people. She sends birthday greetings to hundreds of people every year. She volunteers and helps friends and strangers. She is a positive influence on those around her. Is a positive attitude genetic? If it is she got an overabundance of those genes.

During these 40 days we are in a discipline of love. Loving not just our friends and family but strangers and acquaintances. The very act of love and generosity and kindness generates good will that ripples through the world. What act of kindness did you knowingly participate in today? A man asked me this afternoon, "Have you ever noticed how when you do something good you still get criticized?" I replied, "I know - I know. You know how the saying goes, 'No good deed goes unpunished.'" There are people in the world whose toxicity is so high that it will take love beyond the capacity of one person to overcome it. He promised he would not stop - don't you stop either. Life is brought back into balance each time you love and give and serve. I know you will find imaginative ways of giving each day of this 365 day year.

Monday, March 2, 2009

40 Days of Love 303 Days till Christmas

Yesterday was a great chance for the people of God to get together and feel the love, share the love, and get serving with love. I got a call this morning from a friend who is experiencing a loss in her life and she said that the love she has received from folks around here has been powerful and moving. In other words - people are listening and taking action.

Love endures, just like faith and hope...but as 1 Corinthians 13 says "the greatest is love." How about a focus each day this week where you give a little love away? Don't just consider random acts of kindness that are being polite but acts of love and generosity (especially to folks you may not know or may not expect it). Keep your eyes open. I believe that God wants to direct you to these acts of love, I believe that God will actually provide them for you, and I believe that they are prepared for you already. If you hear of an act of generosity or love that you want to share with me - do it and I will include it in my blog.

We are here for a reason - and that reason is to love.

Friday, February 27, 2009

40 Days of 365 Days of Kindness

It's Friday and I just got off the phone with some imaginative and exciting people who are collaborating to make this little facebook network/professional page become a movement of kindness. Our own Christmas 365 which launched in December of 2007 has now linked with a group that has over 11,000 friends. We are not only promoting 40 days of love we are looking to renew that movement that was inspired back in the early 90's by the movie "Pay It Forward." What would happen if we carry out acts of love and generosity and kindness 365 days of the year? How many others would we inspire?

This coming Thursday BLC launches the 40 Days of Love Simple Suppers and Small Groups which will be followed up by a Sunday Small Group opportunity. I hope that if you are in LaPorte you will consider joining us for this great 40 Day Love-in and Love-out. We are motivated by the message of the angels to the shepherds, "We bring you good news of great joy which shall be for all people." We need good news that creates great joy. WE also need to BE the good news by our lives and our actions. Join this movement and if you are on Facebook check out the information about the Club (11,000 others are finding ways to share kindness 365 days a year - we are not alone).

Thursday, February 26, 2009

40 Days of Love For Christmas 365

Lent is a season to give up and take on. I'm giving up a couple of things, soda and deserts - the second is harder than the first. I'm taking on an extra thirty minutes of prayer time each day. That is the plan. Beyond that I invite you to join me as I blog the journey of Lent. We are doing a program at Bethany called 40 Days of Love. It's a program developed by Saddleback Church but it is offered to help us grow in loving God, loving others, and loving ourselves. Really, life is all about love. If we don't learn that we have missed the whole point. In fact the Bible says that "God is Love." The very essence of Love is what God is.
What is your highest aim in life? Your greatest goal? Complete this sentence...My major life goal is ... How would you finish that sentence. What I suggest God's guidance would be is to love. Love God, love people, and love yourself. Jesus suggested that it wasn't just to love those who love you. As he said, "Even the pagans do that." Our aim is also to love the unloveable. Where do we begin. That is the invitation to you. Join me on the Podcast, which you can download, stop by the blog, and if you can come to be with us at Bethany we meet on Thursdays at 5:30PM for a Simple Supper, 6:00PM for a DVD presentation, and a small group time after that. If you miss Thursday join us Sunday Morning in the ARC at BLC during the 9:15AM hour for the DVD and small group time.
In addition to this we will include the study on the blog if you want to listen to the Podcast and read over the notes from our discussion. I'm excited about this Lenten study. If you live in LaPorte check out our billboard on Pine Lake Ave. as you drive south (right by Anderson Automotive and Philipps 66). We are excited about what our 365 Team will be cooking up in the near future too. Have a great day.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Christmas 365

Dear Friends of the Bethany Blogosphere,
Winter is not quite over and I fear that even with cross country skis the attempt to keep Christmas alive may fade as spring looms on the horizon. Don't let it happen. The "Spirit of Christmas" is the "Good News of great joy which will be for all people." We need good news desperately and what a great opportunity is just within sight. Forty Days of Love is coming!

Forty Days of encouraging one another to love God and each other. Forty days to focus on loving those around us for the sake of Christ. I'm looking for some folks who will step up and help shape what Christmas 365 will look like and what ideas can inspire us. Do you want to be a part of that?

It all starts February 25th with Ash Wednesday services at 4:30PM and 7:00PM. We are going to talk about what love can do. We are also working on an amazing idea that could raise $30,000 to $40,000 for Habitat for Humanity and be a phenomenal Christmas present to the community. Watch for the information on this and how you can be a part of it. I was recently a part of a national conference call discussing 365 Club. There are over 11,000 members of that group now on Facebook. We are looking for ways to inspire people towards acts of generosity and kindness all year long. Check it out and watch for information coming out on this.

Don't forget to sign up NOW for Forty Days of Love. You can sign up online right now by email at or use our contact page on the web site and indicate you want to be a part of a group. Leave your email or phone and someone will contact you.

Stay Well - Seize the Day,

Pastor Denny