Thursday, March 5, 2009

Light in Darkness

I led the funeral for a woman today that few attended and where no one quite knew what to say. It was sad to see so few. Even greater sadness that so few could express anything good to say. She left her wealth to charities and those will benefit but the legacy she left was that of a cantankerous woman who few really knew. Relationships - people become our legacy. People that God loves and we can love. My message to the people there was to live with love. Love through the barriers of crusty hard souls and soft pliable souls open to love. Love those around you, love those you do not even know, love the beautiful and the less than lovely, love those you are close to and those you have a hard time relating to - just love.

Your light brightens a dark world. Today was beautiful and sunny and as the wind wiped through the small group that stood around the casket near the mausoleum next to Pine Lake I shed a tear for the loss of love when a person has only a marble tomb to speak for them. Let your love do the talking. Wendell Berry wrote, "There is a day when the road neither comes nor goes, and the way is not a way but a place." This place speaks out for love as though there is no tomorrow. Let that light break through and shine. Be the love - don't just do loving things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good message for a dark world and dark time. Now more than ever relationships need to flourish.