Sunday, April 19, 2009

Life is a Journey

It is exciting to hear stories that people are telling me of how they are sharing their faith. The wristbands, the Harley Raffle tickets, the Christmas 365 theme are just vehicles to share the story. This year began as a journey of the heart. I wanted to have others join me in really trying to live out the words of the angels at Christmas. Words spoken to the shepherds. They were ordinary men who received an extraordinary message. "We have good news of great joy which shall be for all people." That was the message. Live out the message of Christmas all year was my dream to inspire others to join me on the journey. Now Easter is just past and people are still wishing me "Merry Christmas." Thank you!

The famous picture here of the Road to Emmaus and the walk where Jesus appeared to some disciples who were depressed from the loss of their master is a good reminder to all of us on the journey. After Jesus left them they said to one another, "Didn't our hearts burn when he opened the words of scripture to us?" People feel the warmth of love, generosity, acts of kindess, and caring when you share - when you love - when you live the good news. Believe me, there are plenty of people who will just go to work, or go to school, or go to the gym, or go to some civic group, and live their life trying to be good or do good. That is not what Jesus was teaching. Jesus was teaching a revolutionary way of living. He was teaching his followers to learn to love as God loves. To be the message - to be the good news - to be Him in the way we approached people.

I spoke with a traffic cop the other day in Chicago and said, "Thank you for doing what you are doing. Some of us are really appreciative of the risks you take and the courage you demonstrate to keep us safe." She said to me, "You know, no one ever says that to us. Thank you for saying something." How easy was that?

When Jesus begins to disciple us, we become the change the world needs. Let Jesus meet you on your Emmaus road and talk with you about His love and power to change human life for the better. He wants you to be a part of it.

Also tell your friends to call us at church, stop by B&J Cafe, ReMax, see Norma Sabie at WLOI office, or stop at I Steet Tavern to pick up tickets for the Welcome Home Soldier Raffle and Habitat project. Live the good news, my friends. Be the Good News. Happy Easter Season and, yes, Merry Christmas too.

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