Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Kingdom, Power, Glory, Forever, Amen

In this final message on the Lord's Prayer we once again look at the prayer of fulfillment - the prayer that God will break into this life, this world, and bring eternity into the reality of the present. We pray for the Kingdom to come. A Kingdom not marked by one who rules over us with heavy handed demands but as one who calls us to obedience by teaching us what servanthood really means. Jesus says to us, "Seek first the Kingdom of God..." How do we do that?

One way of looking at this is by putting some first things first in our life: [F.I.R.S.T.] F = financially making God's Kingdom first as we share our resources. I = interests. As we place first what God has shown us through Jesus interests Him the most: the poor, the homeless, the widow, the orphan, the marginalized, the sick, and things like justice and peace. R = relationships. We need to realize that people are important to God and living in community with other believers is like building up a family for God. It is a place of welcome to others who are seeking. S = schedule. We need to set aside not the last of our day but valuable time during our day for time with God and for serving our neighbor as God directs us. Finally, T = troubles. When troubles and challenges come our way take them to God first. We tend to try and do it ourselves - go it alone - be the lone ranger - but God says this is not putting me first.

Another way of praying for fulfillment is to live by God's power through prayer, risks of obedience, and by never giving up on faith - remembering that humanly speaking things may seem impossible but for God nothing is impossible.

Finally, we are called to live for God's glory. We can show love towards everyone, use our gifts and talents to serve everyone, and share the good news with everyone. Joining together as a church family is how we do this. We can do so much more together than we can do alone. See you Sunday as we Confirm several young people at BLC and renew our own Baptismal Covenant.

Blessings - Pastor D.

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