Monday, September 27, 2010

Your Kingdom Come

WE have no real reference point for a King in our society so this comes across as a little strange. But as adults we understand "boss", CEO, commander, leader, and so forth. What would it be like if Jesus ruled. There is a funny YouTube video with kids asking questions about what Jesus would do. I can send you the link if you want - let me know. But the question of how Jesus would rule or run things is a good one. You could study New Testament readings about Jesus and leadership - Google - Jesus and Leadership and see what you get. Talk about the President and Leadership or world leaders and compare them to the way Jesus would run things.

Have the kids create a Jesus cabinet. What would their job be if Jesus was in charge and they were his disciples - what would he have them do? If they were his ambassadors and workers how would they behave during the week and what would they do?

Download some pictures of world leaders and see if they can identify the picture. Look at Jesus footwashing of the disciples and ask how this is a King's Job and what Jesus intended to teach by doing that. Maybe even conduct a footwashing. Go to another class and ask to wash the feet of a teacher or another student as a sign of what Jesus asks us to do for one another. What is another "Servant Event" they could do together? Consider packing some Operation Christmas Child Boxes as a class project - Baby King Jesus Celebration. Ask Cindy Biernacki to come in and talk about OCC.

Amy Hartson will also be stopping by one of these weeks to talk about offering and what we do with our offering and what they as students can do to give to God's work.

Make crowns for one of the elementary kids classes and tell them that Jesus makes them special people through baptism. Maybe consider working on a puppet show for the little kids sometime.

Talk about the Kingdom of Darkness that Satan rules and how dangerous that is. I'm working with someone right now who is really struggling with this as a young person. It's real and kids dabble in this stuff. Teach them to be careful - only God is our true King but Satan wants to have a victory by taking kids away from faith. This might be something to explore.

This was a pretty cool site also -----

Well there you go - week three - tell me if these blogs are helpful


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