Middle school kids need action, movement, teamwork, and independence. They love snacks too so hurray for those of you who thought of that. You could have each family volunteer to bring a snack each week or take up a special offering for snacks each week - but food is a help. Feel free to move around the building, next door park, and try out spaces that might be an alternative setting to the classroom. Even BJ's restaurant once in awhile is ok - like as a special treat for a month's perfect attendance.
Consider ways that God is "disrespected" in culture today - music, art, movies, etc. Why is this happening? What are ways we can honor God? Having our Bible with us, wearing a cross, talking with others about our church, bringing friends with us, brainstorm a little on this. Use a video clip if you like - I'm trying to get a TV or projector in every classroom so you can hook up dvd or computer - I have a mobile cart right now so you need to let me know if you need it the week before so I can reserve it for you (except in the CARE Room). Ask the High School kids to help you out if you like (they are in the Youth Room) and perhaps they could do a moveable skit and act out part of the lesson - call Jill Klingbeil or Jaunda Kneller to see if they might help out. Take over a bulletin board in the church to help drive a point home - what would they want on it - there is one in the lower hall, one in the CARE Room, and one in the lobby (Atrium) I could let each class have to do something related to the Lord's Prayer.
Consider a "prayer walk" walk around a block nearby and pray for each family in each house of that block. Maybe even leave a little flyer at the house telling the resident that your class is praying for them today. Have your class lead the Lord's Prayer in church using the modern translation - that will shock a few and make them think.
Always think outside the box with Middle Schoolers. They love it when you give them assignments and make them get involved - they love action and movement.
Also don't forget to start the day by making the sign of the cross (reminds us that we are baptized) - the Lord's Prayer, Apostle's Creed, Great Commandment, Great Commission, and Ten Commandments. If we say these in unison each week by the time they take the test in 8th grade it will be so well known that they will have no problem remembering them.
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