Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kindness from Patience

Love is patient and kind...that is not always easy to live is it? How do we live that out with the toxic person whom we have tried and tried to deal with and yet have failed to find a way of relating to? Sometimes it's easier to be kind to a stranger than people in our own family. We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials for we know that they are good for us - Romans 5

What? How can that be? Paul continued, they help us learn to be patient. And patience develops strength of character in us and helps us trust God more each time we use it until finally our hope and faith are strong and steady.

I am not a patient person by nature. I can be patient in a crisis but in dealing with people I find myself struggling when I think, "Why don't they get this?" Now is a word that is so prevalent in our vocabulary. This week we are talking about acting with patience and kindness. Sometimes there are divine interruptions in life which will slow us down. Carpei Deim (Seize the Day) is a good phrase to remember. Sometimes the time to act is now. Don't over think - act. Be patient with your appointments, your to do lists, and your agenda. Maybe God has someone in mind for you to help - to be kind toward - to lovingly assist.

Kindness always requires something else besides patience. It means risk and it requires a cost. Who in your world needs you to take that risk of exhibiting kindness and love? Will there be a cost associtated with it? I spoke to a friend who shared a story about a man he knew who was bitter about his wife leaving him. He was filled with anger and rage. His anniversary was coming up and he seethed with anger toward how this woman ruined his life and livelyhood. His friend suggested that on the anniversary he consider working at a local soup kitchen - to convert his anger into kindness and love. He did it.

After going to the soup kitchen and serving the needy his whole attitude changed. He was filled with mercy and said he would do it every year on that day. What can being patient with ourselves and others and acting out of kindness do in some of the most difficult and bitter situations of life. God does work miracles of love 365 days a year.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Light in Darkness

I led the funeral for a woman today that few attended and where no one quite knew what to say. It was sad to see so few. Even greater sadness that so few could express anything good to say. She left her wealth to charities and those will benefit but the legacy she left was that of a cantankerous woman who few really knew. Relationships - people become our legacy. People that God loves and we can love. My message to the people there was to live with love. Love through the barriers of crusty hard souls and soft pliable souls open to love. Love those around you, love those you do not even know, love the beautiful and the less than lovely, love those you are close to and those you have a hard time relating to - just love.

Your light brightens a dark world. Today was beautiful and sunny and as the wind wiped through the small group that stood around the casket near the mausoleum next to Pine Lake I shed a tear for the loss of love when a person has only a marble tomb to speak for them. Let your love do the talking. Wendell Berry wrote, "There is a day when the road neither comes nor goes, and the way is not a way but a place." This place speaks out for love as though there is no tomorrow. Let that light break through and shine. Be the love - don't just do loving things.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ashes and Dust

Lent has its morbid side no doubt. Ashes to ashes we hear at gravesides but today as I presided at a funeral of the beloved husband of a friend there was a sense of hope beyond the ashes. She is a lover of people. She sends birthday greetings to hundreds of people every year. She volunteers and helps friends and strangers. She is a positive influence on those around her. Is a positive attitude genetic? If it is she got an overabundance of those genes.

During these 40 days we are in a discipline of love. Loving not just our friends and family but strangers and acquaintances. The very act of love and generosity and kindness generates good will that ripples through the world. What act of kindness did you knowingly participate in today? A man asked me this afternoon, "Have you ever noticed how when you do something good you still get criticized?" I replied, "I know - I know. You know how the saying goes, 'No good deed goes unpunished.'" There are people in the world whose toxicity is so high that it will take love beyond the capacity of one person to overcome it. He promised he would not stop - don't you stop either. Life is brought back into balance each time you love and give and serve. I know you will find imaginative ways of giving each day of this 365 day year.

Monday, March 2, 2009

40 Days of Love 303 Days till Christmas

Yesterday was a great chance for the people of God to get together and feel the love, share the love, and get serving with love. I got a call this morning from a friend who is experiencing a loss in her life and she said that the love she has received from folks around here has been powerful and moving. In other words - people are listening and taking action.

Love endures, just like faith and hope...but as 1 Corinthians 13 says "the greatest is love." How about a focus each day this week where you give a little love away? Don't just consider random acts of kindness that are being polite but acts of love and generosity (especially to folks you may not know or may not expect it). Keep your eyes open. I believe that God wants to direct you to these acts of love, I believe that God will actually provide them for you, and I believe that they are prepared for you already. If you hear of an act of generosity or love that you want to share with me - do it and I will include it in my blog.

We are here for a reason - and that reason is to love.