Hi Everyone,
I thought I would give you an update on what is happening during the study leave time. The first week of the trip I have been moving Aaron to Monterey, California where he will be working as a guidance counselor at a high school. As many of you know, Monterey is one of our military officer training school towns and Aaron will be working with a number of their kids during his time out there. It has been a long drive already. I'm looking forward to watching the video tape of the kids' mission trip presentation from Sunday when I get back.
We began our trip Saturday and drove to Ogalala, Nebraska. That's pretty much all you can say about that. I do have to say that Nebraska looked incredibly green for this time of year. These are long days in his car all packed down with his worldly belongings. Day two we arrived in Elko, Nevada. It was another long day but the sky was big in Wyoming and Utah was an interesting and amazing state. We briefly stopped to see my cousin, Randy Meyer and family, in Evanston Wyoming on the way to Elko, Nevada where we spent the night.

The Great Salt Lake and the dry Salt Lake were both incredible to see. Driving down the mountains into Salt Lake City the way Joseph Smith came into that city can make you imagine that he and his band of followers really did think they reached the "promised land".

Today we journey on to Salinas, California, apartment hunting, and the start of Aaron's work. I do appreciate this time with him and the opportunity to see this great country of ours. It stirs my patriotism so much to see all that we Americans have to enjoy (gas prices not withstanding). I will write again when we arrive in California and keep you updated. I am reading a book right now as a part of the study leave call "Margins". It has to do with how we create space in our life and work to be with God. It is challenging and thought provoking. I have shared this book with members of the Pastor-Parish Team and they are reading it with me.
I have prayed for you daily on this journey and know that the staff at Bethany stands ready to help in any way while I am away with my son. I will be back in town before too long. Stay well and seize the day!
Blessings from our King and Lord,
Pastor Dennis