Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Your Will Be Done

OK OK - Fuel was great and some of you have to be gone this weekend I really want to find a way to stay connected. That is why I'm writing these blogs. I'd like you and event the confirmation kids to read them and comment on them. Am I dreaming too big? "Thy will be done" is a BIG topic because it can encompass so much. Earth, heaven, God's Will, etc, where should we even begin?

What kind of BIG risk have people taken? What kind have you taken? What about that movie, "National Treasures: Book of Secrets," Nicholas Cage trys to kidnap the president - pretty risky. What about Martin Luther, standing up to the Pope with the risk of excommunication and being burned at the stake - pretty risky. What are you willing to take risks for - things that matter or things that are just to have a thrill? How do we even begin to understand God's will for our life?

Well, how about brain storming some things: daily quiet time for prayer, reading the Bible, serving people who are needy, signing up for the mission trip, helping out around the church, helping an elderly neighbor, interview some people around church about what they think God's will is - take notes and report back. Look up some bible passages that talk about God's will and write them down and post them around church. Give me some feedback when you get a chance. Thanks to all the teachers who love the Lord and are serving the youth of our congregation. Thanks to the kids for being here and to the parents who help make confirmation real at home too. God will bless you for your efforts.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Fuel Worship

This Sunday is the Fuel Worship - you have an option as teachers to attend the Fuel Worship Service or to have class. At least two of the students will be part of the band that morning. Our focus will be on Trust - which really fits with the next session which is "your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Please mark your calendars for October 25th at 7:00PM. I'd like us to have a conference call meeting to discuss how things are going, what we can improve, and any needs we have. Also please try to be at the Confirmation Service on the 31st at 10:45AM worship. Thanks for your ministry to the kids and for sharing in this important ministry. I will look forward to hearing from you and receiving input on how things are going. I will also be doing a video sometime in the next month on the Lord's Prayer that you might be able to show via DVD or YouTube during class time. I will keep you posted as to when that is available. Blessings.