Monday, November 23, 2009

Blessed are the merciful

Mercy is a quality that sets the Christ Follower apart from legalism and religiosity. It is a way of living and loving that honors God and shows respect for our humanity.

Mercy means that I will be patient with those who seem differnt from me. Mercy means that I will forgive the fallen. Mercy means I will help the hurting. Mercy means I will be kind to my enemies.

Why do we do this? What is the point. Well you will need to check out the worship services this weekend on Sunday or a week from Thursday. Also download the podcast and share it with someone. There are some good reasons to show mercy. God has shown us mercy, I know that I will need mercy in the future again. I will be happier (happy are the merciful, Jesus said). Others will get to know a God of mercy instead of some of the out of touch images of God portrayed by the anti-faith movement. And finally the best reason is that it is the right thing to do. Keep joining us as we study through the Beatitudes of Jesus.

Finally, happy thanksgiving. It's my favorite holiday and I will be enjoying it with family and friends. I hope you will too. Share it with someone who is hungry, lonely, or thirsty. Help us with our food bank or the social ministy.

Keep Thankfu.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I Can't Get No...

The Rolling Stones sang that they couldn't get it but in the Be Attitudes Jesus says that it is available to you - satisfaction. In fact, Jesus says when you are hungry and thirsty for the right relationship with God that is exactly what God will give to you.

Americans often look in the wrong places for satisfaction. We won't find in the pursuit of personal pleasures, we wont find it in our performance, and we definitely wont find it in more possessions. So then how will we find deep down life long satisfaction and happiness?

First, we have to recognize our real hunger. It's a hunger for God and our relationship with Him. Second, we need to stop the spiritual junk food binge and artificial amusements of western culture. We need to spend more time helping people who really are hungry, thirsty, and homeless - that is where Jesus wants us to begin to find depth of meaning. Third, we've got to look to Christ for meaning and purpose. We will never find it solely in ourselves and our own ambitions.

We are ending a year of focus on the Christmas message - the "good news of great joy which is for ALL people." Yet, that message is timeless. I believe Jesus is raising up disciples through this year long experience. Not because of what I, or any other person is doing. It is because of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is guiding people like you to take up the cause and share the good news. It doesn't matter what decisions the ELCA made, it doesn't matter what shape the economy is in, and it doesn't matter whether we have new windows and updated heating system. What does matter is people and the Word. This is what makes disciples. The Spirit is saving lives to live more fully today and to live for eternity.

When you make your Christmas list ask - what does God want me to have on that list? Am I going to buy trinkets and baubles that will break and be shelved or am I going to give things that are lasting and meaningful. Give for the right reasons. Not so you will get back but because God wants you to learn generosity. Include your church on the gift list. Include a gift to social ministry or world hunger. Give to someone who cannot give back or who doesn't know who gave the gift and just say, "It's a blessing from God." Live Christmas 365.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy are those who mourn...

Last week we talked about the attitudes of happiness that Jesus teaches in the Sermon on the Mount (or the Beatitudes). Eight positive statements about choosing God's way to live life. In this second attitude adjustment Jesus reminds us first of all that life is difficult and the to mourn is a part of life. He doesn't try to explain suffering but he tells us how to deal with it.

First, know that God is with us. (Psalm 34:18). God is aware, God cares, and God will help (Job 13:27, Nahum 1:7, Hebrews 4:16).

Second, let go of hurt (Isaiah 43:18). So often we repress hurt, rehearse it, and resent it. Jesus invites us to release it (Psalm 10:14).

Third, Jesus invites us to rely on God's resources. What happens many times is that humans turn to alternative hurt relievers: drinking, drugs, entertainment, thrills, and many other escapes. What God tells us is to try His way: a. Take time during your day to listen for His voice; b. Spend time in the Word and let it comfort you; c. be with God's people - healing nutritious helpful people; and d. receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13).

What can you do today to help? Three things will help deal with grief, sorrow, and pain.
1. Invite the Spirit of the Living Christ to dwell in your life now.
2. Connect with/or connect more deeply with the church family.
3. Give yourself away in service to others - stuff, things, material goods will ultimately mean nothing but people matter to God and will ultimately bless you and heal your hurt.