Monday, July 6, 2009

We are still celebrating freedom and independence but it is not independence from God. The Founders never intended that - in fact it is in our DEPENDENCE on God that we become truly independent, free, and forgiven. Part of our effort this year at Bethany has been to celebrate what God has done for us 365 days a year. We want to give back to the community we live in. One way has been to build a home for a needy Veteran or Veterans family. We had a Harley Road King Raffle that brought in the bulk of the funds needed to accomplish this goal. Here are the winners from the Raffle: Sharon Welty of LaPorte (The Harley); John Cowger of Chesterton ($500); Jeff McShane of LaPorte ($500); Bill Frame of Mishawaka ($100); Dave Tipton of Grant Park, IL ($100); Norma Sabie of LaPorte ($100) and Vic Roden of Walkerton ($100). Thanks to all who volunteered time, effort, salesmanship, and so much more on this part of the effort. You can volunteer to donate toward the cause too. We still need to raise $15,000. We also need people to help build the home next summer. We are also accepting applications for needy veterans or veteran's families up until September. So download an applicaton now. We will announce the recipient on Veteran's Day in November.