Thursday, December 18, 2008

Week Three of Advent

Seize the Moment – Carpe Dieum

So much of life is lived in the past and future. Have you noticed that in your own life? Regrets, Monday morning quarterbacking, and feeling sorry for things done or left undone can really occupy our thoughts. Likewise living in the future, planning, worry, and anticipation can really distract us from fully appreciating the present. This week I will delve into seizing the moment this Christmas.
How will we do that? Here will be the suggestions: 1. Focus on the vital and not ust the urgent. Listen to Jesus words: “Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.” Matthew 6:34 MSG; 2. Focus on spiritual preparations and not just the physical preparations. St Paul talks about this when he writes to the people in Colossae “Don’t shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that’s where the action is. See things from His perspective.” Colossians 3:2 MSG; 3. Focus more on God than on yourself. Jesus famous conversation with Martha and Mary brings this to our attention: “‘Martha, Martha,’ the Lord answered, ‘You are worried and upset by so many things but only one thing is needed.’” Matthew 6:41-42; 4. Focus on the supernatural rather than the superficial. I love what the prophet Jeremiah has to say about this; “Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows Me, that I am the Lord who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight.” Jeremiah 9:23-24.
I know my thoughts are a few among the memories, conversations, and activities of the week ahead but I hope for a few of you this might inspire you to grow closer to the Lord this very special week. Don’t forget the Christmas Eve Schedule December 24, 2008:

1:30PM Holy Communion and Canlelight 4:30PM Candlelight Service of Word and Carols 10:30PM Candlelight Service of Word and Carols

You might want to note that during the day on Christmas Day WCOE radio will being playing a lot of sacred and traditional music of which Bethany is one of the sponsors. In fact we are the only Church that is sponsoring music that day. Listen in if you get a chance. Thanks to Donna and Norma who got us signed up.

C U in Church,
Pastor Denny

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Get Ready for Peace and Good Will

Good News? Did you know that there is a website dedicated to this very effort? Here it is: but no matter how much good news you read or hear any earthly news will not satisfy you deep down in your soul. The announcement about Christ’s birth was to be an announcement of peace and good will toward all people. Yet, that is not a shared vision by all of humanity. Some people want to intentionally bring chaos and misery. People are dying of cholera, starvation, and other diseases in Zimbabwe, Africa and the world puts this on page three because it is an internal political issue.
Read over what Jesus spoke about to his followers in Matthew 6:25-34. That will be the main text for the message this week. Read what Paul wrote in Philippians 4:6-9 years later after his life was completely turned around by Jesus. There is plenty to worry about in the world but Jesus addresses this by saying that we should not be worried. When we begin to lose ourselves in serving others we worry less. It seems like just the opposite. If you don’t worry about yourself, who will? God cares and that is literally all that matters.
The kind of peace that Jesus offers is a peace of mind that the world can never give us. The good will that Jesus shares is the good will that is generated by all the followers of Jesus living out their faith in life of service.
I was so pleased to see the response to the Clothesline ministry this past week. Today someone brought in a whole pile of NEW coats. Others are planning on caroling to shut-ins and nursing homes next Sunday night at 4:00PM. Still others are acting on their own doing all kinds of charitable acts of kindness, good will, and love. That is what makes Christmas – Christ’s Mass (the worship of Christ in our very lives.)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Get Ready For Christmas

I watched the Dow plunge another 600 points yesterday, the attacks in India were still headlines, people look to our President elect to solve a host of problems, and the job market is just plain scary. Is there any good news out there? The Good News, with a capital G and a capital N has been there for two millennia but we fear what is going on right now rather than looking with trust and faith to the consistency of God and the promise of a present and future guided not by markets and malevolent dictators but by the Christ. Christmas is about Good News. Good News announced to shepherds and wise men, to Kings and cattle, and to star gazers and carpenters. It is good news for everyone.

Over the next few weeks we are going to explore what the Good News is and what it means for us. One thing is for sure Christmas is less about consumerism and more about Christ. This week we will pick up the theme Get Ready for Christmas. We will explore three ideas: 1. If Christ brought us Good News we should know what it is. Read Psalm 107:2 and Philippians 4:4; 2. We need time to tell others the Good News. Read Matthew 11:28; 3. We need to share the Good News “on purpose.” Read Luke 2:15. Good News is not wrapped up in warm fuzzy stories that warm the heart. It is news that remains consistent dependable over the eons and stirs hope and faith in the midst of massive world troubles.

I will explore these three themes and make a few suggestions on how to live the Good News this Christmas season. We are putting ads in the Herald Argus over the next few weeks so you can point to those to tell a friend or neighbor about it. We can also run off color flyers for you to share with others if you like. Just give us a call or stop by the church office to get a few to pass out. We will also be decorating the sanctuary and hallways on December the 10th at 6:00PM with sloppy joes, chips, and hot cider and then try to make quick work out of decorating. As the saying goes, Many hands make light work. C U in church!